Three phase electroextraction

In March we published a post about electromembrane extraction (EME), which was firstly proposed in 2006 by Pedersen-Bjergaard and Rasmussen. This microextraction technique is based on the voltage-assisted migration of the target analytes from two aqueous solutions, the sample and the acceptor phase, which are separated by a polymeric membrane where an organic solvent is immobilized in the form of a supported liquid membrane (SLM).

Recently, a research group of the University of Leiden at Netherlands has presented a three phase electroextraction technique that shares some of the principles of EME. The new technique is characterized by the extreme reduction of the required sample and extractant volumes and therefore it is especially interesting for bioanalytical applications. Moreover, the process is rapid and it has been coupled on line to nanoelectrospray direct infusion mass spectrometry.

The proposed manifold is schematically described in the Figure. 50 µL of an aqueous donor phase (or sample) are introduced in an eppendorf tube and 150 µL of an appropriate organic solvent (lighter than water) are immediately transferred to the vial forming a biphasic system. In a second step, a micropipette tip containing 2 µL of an acceptor phase is introduced in the organic solvent layer. In order to produce the electromigration of the analytes from the donor to the acceptor phase, two electrodes and a DC power supply are required. The electric contact between the aqueous phases is possible thanks to a two innovative aspects: the micropipette tip is made of a conductive polymer, and the positive electrode is partially covered by a protective PTFE coating. The extraction performance has been demonstrated in an impressive movie which is freely available in the journal web page (Link to supplementary information files)

Finally, the proposed technique was applied to the determination of some carnitines in human plasma giving enrichment factors up to 5.1 in only 3 min.

We strongly recommend this article to our readers and we invite to read with interest three aspects a) the effect of the phases composition on the electromigration of the analytes; b) the effect of the acceptor phase composition in the electrospray process efficiency and c) and the extraction-determination integration


(1) Three-Phase Electroextraction: A New (Online) Sample Purification and Enrichment Method for Bioanalysis. Link to the article


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