Publishing a post

Social media, including Facebook or Twitter can be excellent platforms for actively disseminating information to the public. We use social media for two main objectives. First of all, we consider that the bibliographic update that we periodically publish in both media could be interesting to those researchers interested in the role that extraction and microextraction techniques may play in the development of competitive analytical methodologies. Moreover, as researchers in this field, the periodical update is also valuable for us since we are aware of any innovation or application on the field.

We consider that the visibility of an article is a key aspect to increase its impact on the scientific community. This impact may increase the number of citations that the article may receive from other colleagues. Our humble blog can serve as an additional tool for this purpose. For this reason, we are open to publishing posts coming from researchers on microextraction or related fields.

In these posts, the author(s) can summarize an own recent investigation in a brief text. Although this would be the most interesting approach, collaborators can also summarize those articles that they consider interesting for the field. Brief tutorials (including original videos or slides presentations) about novel extraction techniques are also welcome.

The posts will be published under the copyright laws so special attention should be given to the content and figures. The general idea is to present a brief overview presenting the main general information but omitting the specific one to drive the readers to the journal webpage for more information.

Although this initiative is aimed at everyone, we encourage young researchers to participate. That could be a good experience in research divulgation.

Every post should include a title (85 characters), the main text (300-900 words) with embedded figures, and a list of references (including the name of the article and the link to the journal webpage). A brief biography (and a picture) of the post´s author can also be published.

If you are interested, write a mail to

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